Creative Visualization or How to get What You Want as opposed to What You Need!

by Atham Z

I have proven to myself that one can visualize what one wants into reality. Sometimes this process takes time, much time, as in years, but it generally works.

Robert Taylor of the Success Training Academy and Julia Jablonski of the Psychic Journal, say:

"The main concept we have to remember is that what we believe, we attract into our lives. If we believe we are always ill, we will be. If we believe we are healthy, then it is what will manifest into our lives. There is Power in Belief. If you work with it, you open doors to a limitless dimension! There are natural spiritual laws that govern our power to create what we want in our lives. With the metaphysical law of attraction in mind, obviously you want to be very positive and optimistic in your outlook so that you will attract those developments in your life. This is much more than just 'positive thinking.' Creative visualization is a process that changes our lives by creating images in our minds that ultimately become reality. These images are first just anticipation, but they quickly become an expectation, and finally an intrinsic belief. Over time you 'know' that this will become a reality in your life. Since you are creating your life every day, you are also creating your future.

"As human beings we are both living magnets and power sources of human energy--a yin and yang in oriental thinking. We radiate out our unique energy, and we attract into our lives those people and circumstances that are in tune with our unique thoughts. You attract to yourself what you radiate out from yourself, whether it is positive or negative.

"What a person thinks about all the time is attracted into his life. Someone who is passionately consumed with a belief or concept is a person who will have that preoccupation become a reality in his or her life.

"It is your 'self' that determines your fate and nothing and no one else. The self-determination you feel within gives you the strength to overcome all the obstacles you will face in life. You must take personal responsibility for your actions and the results in your life. Your "self" must become strong and determined. You succeed through self-determination.

"Whatever you believe with absolute conviction and confidently expect to happen becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and will become a reality in your life. Most important are your convictions and expectations. If you believe something with absolute conviction, you also expect it to become true. There is a powerful force in your will to succeed. You will instinctively take the appropriate actions that will bring about the results you reverently desire.

"Getting deeply into the feeling state you desire is what works the magic."

I will walk you through the process here.

First, figure out what you really want. It needs to be something tangible, as opposed to something like attention or affection from another person. Changing the actions of another person is beyond anyone's scope, all we can control are our own attitudes and actions. Keep your desire positive, because wishing harm or misfortune on someone else is unethical in a psychic sense. Examples of visualizable items would be a brand new vehicle or a six figure bank account.

Next, make sure that you are very specific about what you want. Merely wanting any new vehicle or to hold a cheque for $100,000.00 might come literally true for you. A new to you clunker that won't run a mile or passing a cheque for that sum to someone else might be the literal manifestations of an unclear focus. You need to specifically see this item in your world, as in a shiny new car (make and colour of your choice) in your driveway or those six figures in your passbook for your bank or a certain item in a place of your choice in your home.

Next train your mind to daydream about this item when it wanders or drifts from whatever you are concentrating on. This is very important, to think as often as possible about the impact this specific item will have on your life. The average length of daydreams is only 14 seconds, and many are 5 seconds or less. Men and women spend about the same amount of time during the day daydreaming. So put this time to work for yourself. Some experts suggest cutting out pictures of what you are striving for or burning ritual candles, but I have never had go to those lengths to achieve my "wants". Make a habit of talking about this item to yourself within the silent dialogue that is usually running within your mind.

Never loose faith, but believe that you will achieve this seemingly impossible goal. Of course this item is not going to fall out of the sky into your life, so whatever opportunities that might perhaps lead you toward the goal, grasp them. When one pathway seems blocked or your efforts appear futile, tackle the steps that might lead to your fulfillment from a different direction.

Tell folks that you trust about your "want" and your methods of visualizing it into reality. Maintaining a positive attitude and faith in your self are crucial to achieving what you want.

If at all possible, do without what you are visualizing rather than settle for second best. A partial fulfillment of your "want" can cause you to loose focus and not put the necessary energy into realizing/constructing your dream.

Dr. Gary Emery, a UCLA psychologist, suggests these tips about how to make your daydreams realize your goals:

"Realize that daydreams are important, and not a waste of time. 'They are visions of how we want things to be. They give us hope. Many of man's great achievements came from people who dared to turn their day dreams into reality.'

"Dream the impossible dream. 'Don't squelch your imagination, no matter how far-fetched or ridiculous your daydream may seem. Let your mind run free and produce goal oriented daydreams.'

"Psychologists say daydreaming can be an effective way to initiate positive life changes. Imagining goals for example, can be the first step toward making them come true."

So, get started by specifically choosing what you want to have as a reality in your life and then visualize and dream about it.

Good Luck!

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