Affirmations are statements of acceptance that one uses to allow the manifestation of your destiny. They are powerful and positive thoughts and statements sent out to the universe. To do positive affirmations, you need to eliminate the negativity around you. You must first believe that YOU CAN manifest your destiny. It must be a positive, powerful belief not just 'maybe I'll try and see if this works". Together with Visualizations, you can create the life you want. Before You Begin Decide what area of your life you want to work on and then decide what you want. There are several important points to know about affirmations: Use the present or past tense. Do not use the future tense. You want your mind to know it has already happened Be POSITIVE. Use the most positive terms you can. Never use negatives in affirmations Write them. As you are learning to do affirmations, write them down so you will remember exactly what you want to say. Keep them short and very specific. Personalize them with your name. Believe. Always believe that what you are saying is happening. The more you believe, the stronger the affirmation. Repetition. Being repetive and persisteant helps to set them in your head and in your unconscious being. Time. Always have a specific time daily set aside for your meditations, affirmations and visualizations. This will help set a pattern for you so you will do them daily. I am at peace with the Universe I love and accept myself. I am unique and loving, loved, and free. I am safe and always feel protected. I acknowledge all of my feelings because I am in touch with my feelings. I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life. I am loving and accepting of others and this creates lasting frienships for me. I trust my inner being to lead me in the right path. I do all I can every day to make a loving environment for all those around me, including myself. I am always connected with the Divine Love in the Universe. My inner vision is always clear and focused. Affirmations for Health I have the power to control my health. I am in control of my health and wellness. I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being. I am healthy in all aspects of my being. I do not fear being unhealthy because I know that I control my own body. I am always able to maintain my ideal weight. I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life. My mind is at peace. I love and care for my body and it cares for me. Affirmations for Abundance I am a success in all that I do. Everything I touch returns riches to me. I am always productive. My work is always recognized positively. I respect my abilities and always work to my full potential. I am constantly adding to my income. I always spend money wisely. A always have enough money for all that I need. I am rewarded for all the work I do. Affirmations for Peace and Harmony in your Life I am at peace with myself. I am always in harmony with the Universe. I am filled with the Love of the Universal Divine Truth. I am at peace with all those around me. I have provided a harmonious place for myself and those I love The more honest I am with those around me, the more love is returned to me. I express anger in appropriate ways so that peace and harmony are balanced at all times. I am at one with the inner child in me. Affirmations for My Spirituality I am free to be myself. I am a forgiving and loving person. I am responsible for my own Spiritual Growth. I have given myself permission to be at one with the Universe. My strength comes from forgiveness of those who hurt me. I am worthy of love. The more I love, the more that love is returned to me. Love is eternal and ever-lasting. I nurture my inner child, love her and have allowed her to heal. I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy. |