To visualize what you want is to have it. That may seem a simple task or to some a childish view of life. But neither is true. While the simplicity is inherent in the belief of manifesting your destiny, the life you live to do this is not. It is a belief you live out of love and truth. Childish? Yes and no. It IS getting back to the child-like wonder that the world is full of love and caring. But it is not a simplistic vision of life or a simple one. One must truly believe that you can visualize and 'see' what you want. The technique IS simple, but the task is not unless you TRULY BELIEVE in yourself and that you can change and manifest what you want. What are Visualizations? Why do they Work? How do you do it? General Daily Visualizations Specific Visualizations What are Visualizations? Visualizations are images we create in our mind. The word means, literally, to see in your mind. Your mind makes mental movies that you will play over and over again. Our brain and it's subconscious functions ‘remember’ the things we see the smile of a new baby, the rainbow over the meadow, etc. We can recreate these images over and over again in our minds. Thus, creating ‘movies’ of what we want does the same thing. It is entered directly into our subconscious as what has actually been seen by us. It is real to our brain. We have actually seen the image we created. Thus we create the reality we want. Why do they Work? "Seeing is believing." We BELIEVE what our eyes see. This is true for visual seeing as well as mental seeing. As you create an image in your mind, your brain believes it is happening and real. Repetition of the visions causes the image to become more real. Your mind begins to believe it actually has happened. It’s an event that has taken place. Combined with affirmations, it becomes a powerful tool to create what you want. How do you do it? Set aside a time and place for your meditations, visualization and affirmations. It’s better if you can do it at the same time every day. Visualization begins by closing your eyes and creating a mental image of what you want. At first this may seem a bit strange and the images are unclear. That’s all right. The more you practice, the clearer the images become. Always try to picture the same images every day, adding more detail as you become more comfortable with the process. We will go into more detail in specific visualizations and affirmations. Look at the pictures in your mind as a movie, with yourself as the lead actor. General Daily Visualizations After preparations to your area are made, get into your comfortable position (as described in Meditations), and close your eyes. See yourself awakening in the morning, stretching and smiling at the start of a new day. Get out of bed and make your coffee, tea or whatever is your usual morning beverage. See yourself sitting at the table smiling and enjoying your beverage. Now, see yourself going to the bathroom, showering or bathing, and getting dressed. Hear yourself welcoming the new day. See yourself leaving for the workplace or beginning your household chores. See the bounce in your step as you proceed to start a new and glorious day. |