WEEK 1: Drop Set Workout
Drop Set Workout 1: Free Weights
Chest, Biceps, Abs Routines
1 Bench Press Superset W/ Alternate Dumbbell Curls
2 Incline Bench Press Superset W/ Easy Bar Barbell Curls
3 Incline Or Flat Flyes Superset W/ Preacher Curls
4 Decline BB Press / Abdominal Crunches
5 Rope Crunches Superset W / Hyper Extensions
Back / Triceps Routines
Drop Set Workout 2: Free Weights
1 Lat Bar Row / Close Grip Bench Press
2 Dumbbell Rowing / Triceps French Curls
3 V Handle Bar Row / Triceps Kick Backs
4 Inverted Lat Bar Pulldown / Rope Extensions
Legs / Calves / Shoulders Routines
Drop Set Workout 3: Free Weights Option
1 Dumbbell Lunges W/ Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2 Leg Curls Superset W/ Leg Extensions
3 Dumbbell Robot Arm / Dumbbell Shrugs
4 Dumbbell Upright Row / Standing Calf Raises
5 DB Side Laterals W/ Rear DB Laterals
Begin with a warm up set using a weight with which you can do 20-25 repetitions easily. Concentrate on the muscle using slow controlled contractions to get the blood pumping through the muscle. Proceed to do a warm up of the second exercise. Then: Set up your weights so that you can do a set of 6-8 reps (consider this 100%) and immediately strip that down to 70%, and then 40-50%. Have the plates figured out accordingly, or the Dumbbells.
Go as quickly as you can in the drop set rhythm, then immediately proceed to the next exercise. After you have performed all reps in the second exercise, you may rest for 30 seconds or so before proceeding to repeat the first set, or move on to the second.
Note: If you still have strength during your third (lightest) drop set, do pauses in the mid-point of the exercise.
Chest / Biceps / Abs
Giant Superset Workout 1:
1 Incline Dumbbell Press / Dumbbell Flyes
2 Dumbbell Press / Decline Flyes
3 Incline Bench Seated Dumbbell Curls / Seated Easy Curl Bar reverse Curls
4 Weighted Crunches I Crunches Heels Up
Back / Triceps
Giant Superset Workout 2:
1 Lat Bar Rowing Giant / Dumbbell Rowing
2 Chin Bar Hanging Scapular Shrugs / V Bar Rows
3 Close Grip Chin Up / Dumbbell One Arm Rowing.
4 Triceps Rope Extension I Triceps Close Grip Press.
Legs / Shoulders / Calves
Giant Superset Workout 3:
1 Barbell Squats Superset W/ Lunges
2 Stiff Legged Dead Lift / Dumbbell Leg Curls
3 Dumbbell Shoulder Press / Front Straight Arm Dumbbell Raise
4 Dumbbell Side Laterals / Dumbbell Rear Laterals
5 Standing Calf Raise / bodyweight Calf Jumps
Begin with a warm up set using a weight with which you can easily do 20-25 reps. Concentrate on the muscle using slow controlled contractions to get the blood pumping through the muscle. Proceed to do a warm up of the second exercise. Then: Set up your weights to do one set at your 6-8 rep max, and 50% of that. Same for the second exercise. Proceed through both exercises at full weight, and then without any rest, do a second set at the 50% weight. You should be thoroughly toast by then. Rest briefly, and then repeat, or move on to the next exercise.
Pre Exhaust Workout 1:
• Flat Dumbbell Flyes and Flat Bench Press
• Incline Dumbbell Flyes and Incline DB Press
• Decline Flyes and Decline Bench Press
• Dumbbell Curls followed by Reverse Grip Curls
• Preacher Curls followed by Barbell Curls
• Hanging Knee Raise / Core Ball Crunches
• Rope Obliques / Rope Crunches
Pre Exhaust Workout 2:
• Lat Bar Pulldown followed by Prone DB Rowing Normal Grip
• V Bar Pulldown followed by Prone DB Rowing Wide Grip
• Hanging Shrugs followed by Inverted Chin Ups
• Cable Extensions followed by Close Grip Triceps Lying Press
• Triceps Kickback followed by Skull Crushers
Pre Exhaust Workout 3:
• Leg Extension followed by Lunges
• Leg Curls followed by Stiff Legged Dead Lifts
• Dumbbell Side Laterals followed by Machine Shoulder Press
• Rear Dumbbell Laterals followed by Upright Rows.
• Front Robot Arms followed by Military Press
• Seated Calf Raises followed by One Legged Standing Calf Raise.
• Standing Calf Raise followed by Seated Calf Raise
Begin with a warm up set using a weight with which you can easily do 20-25 reps. Concentrate on the muscle using slow controlled contractions to get the blood pumping through the muscle. Proceed to do a warm up of the second exercise. Then: Begin the first exercise (pre-exhaust move) with a weight which you could perform up to 10 reps with. Get a full pump from this pre-exhaust move, and then proceed immediately to the main movement with a weight which can barely do 8 reps. This weight may be considerably less than you may be capable of under normal circumstances. The benefit of the Pre-Exhaust Superset is to use the combined efforts of both exercises to fully blast the muscle. Rest briefly, and then repeat, or move on to the next exercise.