Tips To Get Ripped Abs
By Dennis Weis Nothing sets off a physique any better than a rippling, "cut-up" midsection and exercising it will build internal fitness as well. There are no short cuts to a perfect abdomen. The following tips, however, will definitely be of help. Try them! Tip 1: Pick exercises ideal for YOU! Forget those that are used by other if they don't suit you. HOW you train is more important than WHAT you use... In general, sit ups work most strongly on the upper abdominals. Leg raises get the lower region, while suctions give internal tone. Twists, side-bends add a finishing touch to abdominal appearance. Working the abdomen often is important and five sessions of 5 minutes a day will do more than one of 25 minutes. Tip 2: Daily exercise for the abs is superior to three times a week for some people. Tip 3: Do your abdominals on an empty stomach - immediately after arising and just before sleeping are the best times... Sets are of minor importance in waist work. Instead of repeating extra sets, do more exercises in your routine. Instead of lower reps, done in sets, do more reps. Tip 4: Only use sets when you cannot reach higher reps, thus getting some work done, as you steadily add reps... Very difficult movements aren't as effective as basic exercises, performed in VERY STRICT style with concentration. Work from one extreme to the other, during the movements... Tip 5: Fine cuts come from "burns", performed at the finish of each exercise when muscles are too tired to do more. Be careful of cramping when doing this! |